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Frequently asked questions

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Do I need to enter my credit card information to access a free package?

No! The free package is free and available without providing us with your credit card information!

At the moment Vimmi offers only monthly subscription plans.

Upon reaching the limits of the selected subscription plan, you will be restricted from using functions for which limits were reached (e.g. number of live streams per month). Please refer to the pricing page to see details.

You can cancel the subscription anytime before the end of the current billing period.

You can compare available Vimmi subscription plans on the pricing page.

There are no hidden fees or charges.

You can change your plan at any moment. If you are upgrading to a higher plan, you will be charged immediately. In the case of a downgrading to a lower plan, the new plan will be effective starting the next billing period.

Vimmi provides a free plan, available.

At the moment there are only monthly subscription plans.

Click the username while logged in to the Vimmi console. In the dropdown select "Packages" and choose your new plan.

At the moment Vimmi supports only direct card payments.

No! There is no setup fee. You can register and start using the system even without entering your credit card.

Please refer to the refund policy article.

All features listed on the pricing page are included in the package. There are no additional fees or costs for separate functions at the moment.

You will have up to 5 days to fix the payment issue. After 5 days the subscription plan will be automatically canceled and access to the platform features limited.

Please contact us to get enterprise plan details.

No, taxes are not included in the subscription plan prices.

Vimmi offers 24/7 online support to all paid and free customers.

Please contact us to get enterprise plan details.