Influencer marketing is reshaping social commerce, building trust, driving engagement, and creating seamless shopping experiences. Learn how to inspire that action with influencer marketing and social commerce.
Get started with a SaaS, ready-to-go platform
Boost sales across any channel your customers like to shop
Engage your customers with live and on-demand shoppable videos
Generate revenue with B2C and B2B capabilities
In the ever-evolving e-commerce landscape, multichannel commerce is the key to success. Vimmi empowers retailers like you to thrive by meeting customers where they shop through interactive live and non-live shoppable videos, enhancing visibility, diversifying revenue streams, and providing data-driven insights for targeted marketing.
Empowered with Vimmi, retailers are positioned to navigate the e-commerce landscape with tools that are not only effective but also in sync with the most prevalent industry trends.
of brands see social commerce as a significant opportunity
of brands see marketplaces as the greatest e-commerce opportunity
increase in conversions using shoppable videos
brands utilize video to promote their products
Influencer marketing is reshaping social commerce, building trust, driving engagement, and creating seamless shopping experiences. Learn how to inspire that action with influencer marketing and social commerce.
TikTok is a massive platform, and without the right strategy, yu’re missing out on sales. Here are 5 TikTok shoppable video types help you sell more.
First 6 hours, then 3 hours. That’s all Stormi Steele needed to make $1m in sales during her livestream. I break down key points that helped her achieve success in this social commerce case study.
Influencer marketing is reshaping social commerce, building trust, driving engagement, and creating seamless shopping experiences. Learn how to inspire that action with influencer marketing and social commerce.
TikTok is a massive platform, and without the right strategy, yu’re missing out on sales. Here are 5 TikTok shoppable video types help you sell more.
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